Jyothisham Online have featured a wide range of Kerala astrology consultation services. One can consult with kerala astrologers for all your jyothisham requirements. Be it future prediction, porutham or match making, JyothishamOnline offer all services related to astrology like, vivaham, porutham, muhurtham, job & career, education, vivaha muhurtham, marriage, jathakam, love & relashionship, marriage problems, dambathyam, yantram, elass, horoscope matching, vivaha porutham, child, marital problems and even ask your question to astrologers.
Shri Narayanan Namboothiri belongs to Vaikkom Neendoor Mana, a Thanthri family in Vaikom. At the very young age he commenced learning all tantric and mantric kriyas and mastered in it. He is now the Vedic head pries
Sri S Madhava Sharma M.A, LLB has been practicing Astrology for the last 10 years. He gives guidance in Horoscope, Muhoortham, Jaathakam, Vivaaham, Porutham, Prasnam etc. He is a fulltime astrologer after retiring from the Govt Service.
Sri Purushothaman Nair, BSc , is a fully devoted person to Astrology and related services. During the last 20 years he has gone through numerous horoscopes and has imparted astrological consultations to hundreds of people.
Shri Narayanan Namboothiri belongs to Vaikkom Neendoor Mana, a Thanthri family in Vaikom. At the very young age he commenced learning all tantric and mantric kriyas and mastered in it. He is now the Vedic head pries
Sri S Madhava Sharma M.A, LLB has been practicing Astrology for the last 10 years. He gives guidance in Horoscope, Muhoortham, Jaathakam, Vivaaham, Porutham, Prasnam etc. He is a fulltime astrologer after retiring from the Govt Service.
Sri Purushothaman Nair, BSc , is a fully devoted person to Astrology and related services. During the last 20 years he has gone through numerous horoscopes and has imparted astrological consultations to hundreds of people.
Shri Narayanan Namboothiri belongs to Vaikkom Neendoor Mana, a Thanthri family in Vaikom. At the very young age he commenced learning all tantric and mantric kriyas and mastered in it. He is now the Vedic head pries
Thank you so much .Very Happy for the service .Very satisfied Guruji.
Thanks! Very Helpful.. Pranams
അശ്വതി നക്ഷത്രത്തിൽ ജനിച്ചവർ പൊതുവെ സൗന്ദര്യവും ആരോഗ്യവും ഉള്ളവരാണ്. ബുദ്ധി സാമർത്ഥ്യവും ...
Know MoreVrata is a Sanskrit word that means "vow, resolve, devotion",and refers to pious observances such as fasting and pilgrimage. This is particularly common among women, and typically accompanied with prayers seeking health, wealth, happines...
Know MoreSaturn (Shani) passing through the kendra rasi (4th, 7th, 10th) from Janma Rasi is called Kantaka Shani. The duration of Kantaka Shani is 2½ years. The effect of Kantaka Shani is unfavourab...
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